Pete’s Blog
Welcome to the Elevate blog. We hope this keeps you up-to-date! Make sure to subscribe to keep up-to-date with all things Elevate.
Everyday people doing
Extraordinary things!

UPDATE TO THE UPDATE| 28TH MARCH This is the update for the update, that will probably need updating once this updates! Doesn't it just feel like that at the moment? We are living our lives dependant on the next news headline, times are changing so, so fast, whilst we...
COVID19 Update
Hi friends, We just wanted to share that this weekend we are following the Government advice and we will be continuing with our Saturday night service, Sunday in the Rock Church at 11:00, Brynithel Community Church is still using our building on Sunday at 10:30 and...
Call to Action | 20th December 2019
CALL TO ACTION | 20TH DECEMBER It was exactly 6 months ago that Elevate Church was launched, it has been such an exciting time. Elevate Church’s aim is to ‘Lift You Higher’, to help people see their full poteNtial in life and to help them discover that there is...
Flourish – Proton Foundation | October 5th 2019
THE FLOURISH PROJECT The purpose of the project is to equip young people to develop healthy self-esteem, mental and emotional wellbeing. We do this by helping young people to develop a growth mindset, creating helpful thinking patterns and enabling the young person to...
Tough Talk | October 26th 2019
Power Lifters, Body Builders, Ex Bouncers & Debt Collectors, Ex Villains and Hardmen Tell their Amazing Stories Tough Talk is a registered charity dedicated to sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ in an informal way that appeals to people who would not normally go...
Safe Families for Children | September 14th 2019
Safe Families for Children (Safe Families) works hand-in-hand with children’s services to link families in need with local volunteers who can offer them help and support. When a crisis strikes a family with children, its effects can be devastating. Many of us would...